My dad waiting for customers to come pay!
Imagine being able to get credit to buy as much food as you can from a taco truck. Imagine not having a credit limit. Also, imagine not having to have a background run on you to get this credit.
If you cannot imagine a world where this exists, then you may want to listen to this episode.
My father used to have a notebook in the taco truck. We would often refer to it as La Libreta.
This notebook had in it all the names of people who my dad extended credit to. This meant, those who could not afford to pay him or those who couldn’t pay at the time of purchase.
This notebook, La Libreta, was part of the truck. It was kept in a very accessible part of the truck. It was located next to the coffee station where customers could get their fixings for their morning coffee. It was easy to access. You just opened the little door, and there it would be – in plain sight for anyone to see.
In this notebook was probably a lot of money owed to my folks. It was perhaps the modern-day blockchain. It was accessible to everybody and everyone who wanted to be a part of the IOU system, which was more of a friendship economy, was in it. It was indeed a peer-to-peer arrangement.
But that wasn’t why it was important. The importance of the libreta was that it meant people got to eat.