In today’s episode, we get an “inside-the-shell” look at Isidro’s family and how they founded, cultivated, and operated a successful taco truck business. Isidro’s Mom was the CEO of their family and used her resources and experiences of farm life as one of 17 children to create a fruitful business for the family.

Circa 1983
Before modern-day electronics, people actually needed to know information in order to guide them to make decisions. Isidro’s Mom was like the Google of humans because she seemed to have all the answers quickly. She seemed to have a gut instinct for running the taco truck — from how much to buy of each ingredient to the amount of fuel the truck needed. Despite many challenges and setbacks, she still found a way to make the best tacos.
Isidro shares about the very strong foundation his family laid in his personal and professional life and how it led to the taco lover he is today. From his family, Isidro also learned to appreciate that great things just don’t happen overnight.
Tacos are like having faith. You can’t see it, you just know it’s there. The central ingredient is not seen but always tasted.
Reach out! Whether you have a spot to recommend, a taco story to tell or just want to say hi, your love and kind words are the salsa on our taco: or